Face-Neck Lift Acupuncture
Trigger Point Acupuncture. Abdominal Acupuncture.
Holistic Way to beauty and eliminating body pain,depression, anxiety and stress.
Effective. Natural. Safe. Drug-Free. Painless Alternative.
During the acupuncture session, nature hormones are
stimulated and release from the brain. This nature hormone helps to eliminate the mind and body pain. Reduce
weight and rejuvenate the face, and at the same time, it calms the mind and body which effectively helps
patients with stress, anxiety and frustration which lead to balancing the mind-body wellness.
With this Unique Combination of Mind Body Therapy and Acupuncture session, Dr. Lam
and his staff effectively treats most acute / chronic diseases and helps speed the recovery process.
Dr. Lam’s healing techniques treat most acute and chronic
ailments, including:
Neurological disorders: |
Arthritis, Back and Knee Pain, Strained Muscles, Sciatica, Numbness, Bell Palsy, Headache, Migraine,
Cardiovascular disorders: |
High or Low blood pressure, Stroke, Thrombosis.Insomnia |
Endocrine problems: |
Hyperthyroidism, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes |
Gastrointestinal Disorders: |
IBS, Constipation, Diarrhea, gastric ulcers, vomiting |
Skin disorders: |
Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne |
Emotion Imbalance: |
Stress, Anxiety, Addiction, Depression, Fear, Phobias |
Gynecological problems: |
Menstrual problems, PMS |
Respiratory disorders: |
Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough, Common Flu |
Immune System: |
Allergies, Sinusitis, Fatigue |
Sexual Problems: |
Impotence, Infertility |
Physical Welling Being: |
Quit Smoking, Weight Loss, Facial Rejuvenation |
Dr. Lam deeply enjoys bringing his passion for body-mind-spirit synergy into his acupuncture treatment and
helping his patients to acquire true quality of life at the Glendale and Beverly Hills Mind Body Acupuncture
Wellness Center.
Patient with Anxiety, Depression and Stress can be effectively treated in just a few
Mind |
Fear of the unknown. Fear of the future. Fear of failure Fear of loss. |
Body |
Heart, muscle weakness and tension, fatigue, nausea, chest pain, shortness of breath, stomach aches, or
headaches .
Mind |
Painful past experience. .Employment stress. Concerns about aging. Relationships problem. Low self
esteem .Loss of interest and pleasure…
Body |
Feeling sad or empty. Tearful loss of interest or pleasure in activities that used to be enjoyable.
Weight loss (when not dieting) or weight gain; Decrease or increase in appetite. Difficulty
sleeping or sleeping too much Agitation; Fatigue or loss of energy.
Extra bonus from the Mind Body Acupuncture Therapy:
Dr. Lam teaches his patient relaxation techniques that help alleviate
Anxiety, Stress and Pain.
He teaches his patient with journaling techniques and social skills that
decrease depressive symptoms.
He evaluates his patient base on Mind Body Technique and enables patients
to understand the cause and hidden messages behind the acute or chronic disease and pain. Every pain bears a
hidden message; through understanding the sub-conscious message will help patients release their emotional
tensions, which will eliminate their physical pain and disease.
By becoming more aware of the distinctions within the patients body and mind, patients will find
themselves empowered with greater self awareness.
Dr. Lam also apply the philosophies of Medical I Ching Acupuncture, Medical Dao Te Ching and Medical
Numerology to help his patients balance their emotional well- being and to achieve Optimal Holistic Health.
Remember to bring a note book with you during the session in order to take down every information
given by Dr. Ghim Lam.
Dr. Lam’s Healing Techniques
For the Body: |
For the Mind: |
- Painless Abdominal Acupuncture
- Facial Rejuvenating Acupuncture
- Scalp Acupuncture
- Auricular Acupuncture
- Electro Acupuncture
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
Manual Therapy:
- Pain Release Therapy
- Soft/Deep Tissue Therapy
- Shiatsu Therapy
- Mind Body Counseling
- Mind Body Acupuncture
- Medical I-Ching Naval Acupuncture
- Medical Numerology
- Medical Qi-Gong Therapy
- Subconscious Re-patterning Therapy
Tips For Saving Your Time... Before visiting our office, you may wish to print out the Patient
Registration Form and the Patient Health History Form and complete them before
coming in for your first visit.